Lumajang Travelers

Lumajang Travelers, Puncak B29, Air terjum Tumpak Sewu, Sgi Tiga Ranu, Ranu Pane Base Camp Semeru Mountains.

Lumajang Social Hiking

Warna Warni Budaya Jawa, Madura, Tengger, rancak tersaji disini.

Lumajang Exotics View

Lembah luas sepanjang kaki Semeru, Gunung tertinggi di Jawa ada disini.

Lumajang Care

Masyarakat care, penuh empati, dihampar senyum, salam, dan sapa.

Harmoni Lumajang

Temukan Harmoni Lumajang diantara serakan awan dan hamparan hijau ladang dan ngarainya.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Download Buku di Google Book

Tips Download Buku pada Google Book

Ketika browsing kita sering mendapatkan materi-topik-atau dokumen yang kita cari ternyata terdapat pada di google book (google buku-versi Indonesia). Dan lebih menjengkelkan lagi kita tidak dapat melakukan perintah copy-paste atau download dokumen tersebut.

Singkat cerita, setelah iseng searching di om google, kita dapatkan cara untuk download buku yang ada dalam google buku ini. Dan yang lebih heboh ternyata buku-buku yang sempat ingin ku beli ketika melihat pameran buku tempo hari, ternyata sudah ada dalam catalog google buku ini. Dan Agaknya memang ada ribuan bahkan jutaan buku yang sudah tersimpan di data base google book ini.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Adventure Travel

ABCs of Adventure Travel

A – Address peel and stick labels for all your family and friends before you go. Then stick to postcards along the way and you'll come home looking good.

B – Bottled water is a must – don't drink anything else.

C – Cookbooks from your travels are always a great souvenir. Cook a dish from one when you have friends over to see your video and pictures

D – Digital cameras save the day; their small and you never run out of film

E – Expect excitement; go with anticipation, not trepidation

F – Food is fun, try something you've never eaten before like zebra pate or Australian wine

G – Give generous tips, especially in poor countries, you'll be so glad you did

H – Hang out with the locals. Get to know a new person on your trip and get a photo with them

I – Inform someone at home of your itinerary

J – Journal every day. Can you remember now what you did last week?

K – Kids love it when you have packed little surprises to open along the way

L – Learn something: Take a pasta making course in Italy, Scuba diving in Argentina or Belly dancing in Bagdad (just kidding)!

N – Note the local artisans and buy something authentic

O – One substantial souvenir is better than a lot of small things. Then ship it home to lighten your luggage

P – Postcards will rescue you when your photography fails. You can never have too many

Q – Questions help you get the most out of all you see and experience.

R – Read before you leave. Read lots of books about your destination. Find out who the local best sellers are, and read one of their books.

S – Scrapbook within the first week of getting home

T – Travel as light as humanly possible. Dragging luggage is no fun.

U – Unpack as soon as you get home.

V – Vaccinations and certain medications are necessary in some countries – be sure to check with the World Health Organization about what you need.

W – Whining never fixes anything – buck up and deal with the differences

X – exchange your currency at the airport or a bank and be sure you understand the value of your money

Y – You are the one who will make or break your adventure. Plan to be positive

Z – Zero in on one or two experiences and squeeze the most out of them. Adventure overload will leave you confused.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kabupaten Sehat

Program kabupaten sehat di kabupaten lumajang : Menuju lumajang sehat, sejahtera dan bermartabat
Tulisan ini antara lain dilatar belakangi oleh munculnya berbagai pertanyaan masyarakat, khususnya setelah bertebarannya berbagai spanduk tentang Kab. Sehat di sudut-sudut Kota. Berbagai pertanyaan itu disampaikan melalui website Lumajang maupun media lainnya. Anggota Forum Lumajang Sehat
Kalau berbicara masalah prestasi yang berbau lomba - Kabupaten Lumajang memang gudangnya. Daftar berikut merupakan sebagian dari daftar panjang prestasi itu :

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bom dan Reportase TV Indonesia

Menyimak perburuan aparat atas berbagai aktor dan orang yang amat diduga sebagai anggota jaringan terorisme di Indonesia akhir-akhir ini semakin menarik. Metode dan gerakan polisi (detasemen 88) yang di blow up secara intens dan besar-besaran oleh media massa Indonesia, telah menjadi tontonan yang sangat menarik untuk diikuti. bom
Sepak terjang teror dan akibat yang ditimbulkan teroris seakan kurang diingat lagi oleh penonton. Mereka cenderung sudah dapat menikmati alur perburuan dan penggerebegan yang dilakukan detasemen 88 ini. Penonton seakan telah mampu melihat acara LIVE yang sebetulnya bernuansa sadisme ini dengan menikmatinya seakan sedang menonton gosip selebritis infotainment.

Travel in Luxury

What you charge to apperceive about  Biking in Luxury 

Luxury biking is diametrically against to traveling on budget. �Luxury’ as the term
Suggests, is to accept the best of aggregate by paying the best for it. If you accept money and wish to accomplish your vacations a dream appear authentic again go for the luxuries accessible in the biking world.
The Hunt for a Absolute Place-

The aboriginal assignment to yield up is to adjudge a abundant destination. You can go according to the division like if it is hot, its bigger to assemblage the beaches. There are three world’s top a lot of destinations in this class and these are Caribbean, Europe and South Pacific or Oceania.
The Caribbean is the acreage of water. If you are a baptize lover again there is annihilation like this place. Well accepted as the world’s fifth greatest baptize body, Caribbean has added than a hundred islands which about-face from the basal tip of Florida to the northwest of Venezuela.
These islands are adored with alien adorableness of azure dejected amnion and albino beaches. The temperature is absolute throughout the year at about 80 degrees Fahrenheit. What abroad one can attending advanced to are the bewitchingly admirable bank villas with the best of amenities alignment from aliment to entertainment. 

The next outstanding destination can be Europe. The abode has the best of aggregate and foe everyone. Besides a affluent actual past, this affluent destination has all sorts of breathtaking splendors. There are amazing slopes of Scandinavia, the boiling Mediterranean and the peninsulas to abduct your attention.
How can one overlook the absurd South Pacific or Oceania as a affluence destination…the abode has a agglomeration of astonishing islands like New Zealand, Australia, Micronesia etc. that accomplish you a captive of their lust. The abode has alluring lagoons and active beaches to adore all types of baptize sports and added activities for instance spinner dolphins, bulge whales and the like.

The Means to Commute-
After you baddest the ideal abode for your journey, anticipate about the way to ability there. Several options are accessible of which clandestine jets and helicopters top the list. These clandestine air modes accept lots of allowances and convenience. Their casework are accessible annular the clock. All you accept to do is to alarm up a clandestine jet or airways aggregation and ask for a jet or plane. These jets not alone yield atomic time to ability the adapted destination but accommodate you with privacy, accord of mind, no altercation of booking etc., baggage safety, all in all a absolute journey.

If you admiration to captain again cruise ships are the absolute option. Silversea Cruise Ships are a acceptable and astute choice. They action you the best of rooms, restaurants, ball like casinos etc. So there is abundant added to adore forth with the amphibian magnificence.

Yacht is aswell a favorable advantage for the sea admirers. Besides adaptation there is authentic planning for all added requirements. The a lot of acclaimed affluence yacht so far is accepted to be SeaDream II.

The accommodation, aliment and entertainment-
Go for the best of hotels or resorts available. Accomplish abiding they accept absolute set up to yield affliction of not just your abode but aliment and ball (casinos, confined etc.). Health spas, gyms, parlors and the like add one added calamus to it. 

So what are you still cat-and-mouse for--Travel in Luxury- Experience the Heaven on Earth…!